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PORT OF DAMPIER HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE PORT OF DAMPIER TRADE FIGURES METEOROLOGY CLIMATE WINDS CYCLONES FOG TROPICAL CYCLONE RESPONSE AUSTRALIA - Product - Amendment to Seafarers Handbook for Australian Rio Tinto - Dampier Salt Pty Ltd pilbaraports.com.au/Port-of-Dampier/. Dampier is a major industrial port in the Pilbara region in the northwest of Western Port Handbook - Dampier (PDF). Pilbara ports authority.PORT OF DAMPIER HANDBOOK PORT OF DAMPIER HANDBOOK Date Approved: 20/12/2017 Review Date: 20/12/2019 Process Owner: Deputy Harbour Master Approved By: impacts from commercial activities within the Port of Dampier and the Pilbara region of Western Moorings Handbook issued to all mooring applicants. Quarantine authorities should be notified of all cases of illness or death on board vessels. Port Handbook Marine Logistics & Port Operations Page 7 of 59. 1.2 This phone should be monitored at all times. Further References. Admiralty chart AUS 58/59/60. The Pilbara Ports Authority Port of Dampier Handbook can be PORT OF DAMPIER HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE JURISDICTION IN WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS The Shipping nd Pilotge Act (SPA Ports) The Port Authority Act
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